Work History

Welcome to my blog! I am currently an Application Security Engineer for ███████
I have a pretty weird history. My first professional career job was as a Controls Engineer. This later became Systems Engineering with a new, and much larger, company. This new company allowed me to “stretch my wings” and pursue my passion for InfoSec. I quickly moved to a role in Systems Administration & Software Engineering, then into DevSecOps. I realized my potential and was able to gain employment with my first silicon valley company thereafter.

I am living proof you dont need a college degree to be successful in this field. All it takes is hard work.

Free Time

I strongly believe you dont get far in this field if you dont have a passion for it. In my free time I like to take part in CTFs, both HackTheBox & TryHackMe. I also have a german shepherd (hence ‘secshepherd’). When im not pwning web apps, I usually find myself outdoors with him.